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Setting Up Your SystemSetting up a hiring process may seem overwhelming, so here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up your ATS system in RedBalloon. Video walk-through links are included here as an additional resource if needed. 1. Add your Team: Sign in and add your team-members. You can add team-members by going to My Account>My Team>Invite New Team Member. For each team-member, select the role with permissions most relevant to that member. You can see a list of the role permissions in the FAQ. 2. Company Values and Careers Page: Once you’ve added your team-members, you should set up your Company Values and your Careers Page. The company values you create will be your metrics for determining if an applicant is a good fit or not for your company culturally. Values like honesty, integrity, hard work, kindness, family-focused etc. are some good examples. Your Careers Page helps seekers learn a bit more about your company’s work and mission, as well as look at available positions. You can find your Company Values Page by going to My Account>Company Values or to My Account>Careers Page. 3. Your Account: Here you can edit and choose your settings to make your experience seamless. Go to My Account>Edit Account and choose your notification preferences in Company Preferences. You can also choose which types of candidates to hide or appear in your applications table. 4. Create Your Job: Once that’s completed, you should draft up your first job posting. If you’re not hiring right now, skip to step 5. To create your posting, go to Jobs>Post a New Job. Enter the title of your job and then choose to continue with the Job Creator Assistant or select the Legacy Job Creator instead. Once you’ve filled out all the information, you can choose to cross-post to other job boards that you’ve previously connected to. Leave the posting in draft for later or publish it right away. If you publish it, you’ll want to set up a pipeline as soon as possible to start vetting candidates. 5. Create Your Pipeline: Go to Jobs>Create/Edit Pipeline to set up the workflow for your new job. Follow the guided steps to attach the job and set up the whole process for hiring. You can set up screening stages, interview stages, review stages and tasks. For each stage, you can assign team-members and select which metrics to rate the applicants on. Once you’ve set up a pipeline for your job, you’re ready to start hiring! For a detailed walkthrough, check out the video above that goes over creating jobs and pipelines. 6. Talent Network: If you’re not ready to post a job yet, you can still connect with RedBalloon jobseekers. You are able to collect a database of qualified applicants for your future hiring needs by setting up a Talent Network Post. To do this, go to Jobs>Pipelines. Scroll down to the bottom and find the Talent Network pipeline. Edit or adjust the pipeline, then click ‘unpause’ to publish your Talent Network.
Where to Find EverythingLearning a new system can be complicated. Let's walk through the ATS and get a general overview of where you can find different information. Top Bar: at the top of your screen you'll see several headers. Dashboard- this is where you're able to see statistics and trends for your company's positions. You can edit and adjust what statistics you want to show. You can share the dashboard by using the "Email Report" feature to the right of the dashboard summary. Jobs- clicking on this will show your list of jobs, defaulted to showing active jobs only. However, you can filter status on the left to closed, draft, or all. You'll also see a tab of sub-headers under Jobs. Those sub-headers are Post a New Job, Pipelines, My Jobs, and Create/Edit Pipelines. "Post a New Job" will let you start the post creation process, "Pipelines" will allow you to view your job pipelines and their details, "My Jobs" shows you your list of jobs, and "Create/Edit Pipelines" will have you start the pipeline creation process. Candidates- This will default to showing you all your applications for all your jobs. You can search and filter as necessary. There's a tab of sub-headers under Candidates, which are Applications, Profile Search, Talent Network, Email Templates, and Add Candidates. "Applications" shows you your applications, "Profile Search" allows you to search our database of jobseekers and recruit talent, "Talent Network" shows you who you've sourced and/or who has joined your talent network, "Email Templates" shows you your list of email templates and allows you to create new ones, and "Add Candidates" lets you import or add candidates to the system. My Tasks- clicking on this will show your workflow for your active jobs and applicants. It will show all the steps for a job, how many people are in each step, and how many tasks you need to complete. You'll be completing these tasks by rating the candidates, leaving notes or feedback, and then making a decision to move them to the next stage or to disqualify them. My Account- This will open a dropdown with several pages: payment and subscription information, Edit Account, My Team, Company Values, Careers Page, and Company Profile. "Edit Account" allows you to change your personal information and set some default notification and sorting settings. "My Team" will show you all your team users on the system and lets you invite team members. "Company Values" has you set your company's core values, which are an important part of rating your applicants and determining fit. "Careers Page" lets you build a company page that jobseekers can see when they check out your company on RedBalloon. This page will show your open jobs, core values, and any relevant company information you want to share. "Company Profile" is useful to set up if you don't want to build out a careers page, because jobseekers can still see your website links and an "about us" feature when they check out your company.
Sharing, Editing, and Moving CandidatesTo edit a candidate, go to whichever table they are located in. Find the candidate and go to the three-dot menu in the right corner. Click the three dots and you'll see a small menu appear. Click on the to one, "Edit candidate" to change their name, number, notes, location, add their feedback, etc. To move a candidate to another job in your company, go to the three-dot menu described above and click "Add to Job". Select the job you want to add them to. To share a candidate, go to that menu and click "Forward Candidate". You then can type in the email of the person you're trying to share with, as well as an optional email message to go along with the shared candidate.
What permissions does each user category have?The permission levels stack- meaning each member has the same set of privileges as the one below, plus additional ones for their level. 1. Viewer – Viewers can see any pipeline data that is specifically shared with them. 2. Hiring Team Member – Team members can access their assigned tasks-and any information relating to those tasks-within the pipelines they’re assigned to. 3. Hiring Manager – Hiring Managers can both create and edit pipelines and email templates. They can only see the data for the pipelines they’ve created. They can assign tasks and stages to their team, and view their activity in the tool. 4. People Manager – People Managers see all pipelines created by any of the hiring managers and dashboard reporting for the team. They can also create pipelines. 5. Admin – Admin has full permission privileges and can also access more sensitive information such as Billing.
How do I edit my dashboard display?You can edit the metrics displayed on the dashboard for Job Pipeline Performance and the Last Week Summary by clicking the edit symbols on the right of the dashboard. This allows you to select which metrics to display for your report.
How do I edit my notification settings?When you set up your job posting, there’s a section where you assign the posting’s owner- and that owner will receive alerts when new applicants are applying. If you are the owner, you can pick to be notified never, always, or daily. Go to My Account>Edit Account>Company Preferences to do so.
What is the Company Values page for?Filling out your Company Values page is important. You’ll use these to rate candidates during the application process, in addition to job-specific qualifications. Choose values that you believe are necessary for every person in your company to have. Good examples are hard work, excellence, integrity, competency, or good culture fit. You can go back and edit those at any time.
How do I set or edit my default filter settings for candidates?RedBalloon allows an employer to set default filtering settings for their applicant tables, with options to filter out candidates who are out-of-country, not in your area, or require sponsorship for a U.S job. If you want to set a default filter or edit that filter, sign in and go to My Account>Edit Account>Company Preferences.
What is a talent network?A talent network is a pool of potential candidates who could be a great fit for your company in the future, even if you don’t have an open position for them right now. With RedBalloon’s Talent Network feature, you can save these promising candidates for your future needs. You can also set up an application pipeline, allowing people who are interested in your company to apply and join your talent database. With a talent network set up, you’ll have a ready pool of qualified and interested candidates to help jumpstart your search for the perfect hire.
How do I set up my talent network?There are two ways you can get people into your talent network: sourcing and allowing them to apply. Our system comes with an empty talent network database in place. When you are unlocking candidates in the Profile Search, they’ll be automatically saved to your talent network so you can look at them later. If you want to make an active talent network posting that people can apply to, go to Jobs>Pipelines and scroll down to the bottom. You’ll see a talent network pipeline that you can edit, pause, or unpause. If you unpause it, that will open an active talent network posting so candidates interested in your company can join the network. Once candidates have joined, you can use the search bar to look at candidate's prior experience or skills. You can rate them and categorize them so you can have a pool of pre-qualified, talented people to contact when you post a new role.
Who can see my Careers Page? Where does it appear?Any seeker on the RedBalloon site can see your Careers Page. When jobseekers are looking at one of your jobs, they can click the company name on the posting and will be directed to your page. There, they can learn more about your company, see available jobs, and join your talent network.
Do applicants get emails from my company when they apply?Applicants do get an auto-response email when they apply. There’s a default email template in your system that is sent out for this. To view it or edit it, you can go to Applications>Email Templates, and then scroll down to Auto-Reply. Here you can edit the default response.
What is direct sourcing, and how do I do it?Direct sourcing is looking for qualified candidates and contacting them directly about your job. RedBalloon offers a Profile Search, where you can find jobseekers in your area. You’re able send these people a simple message telling them about your job opportunity, asking questions about their experience, linking your posting, or offering them a chance to interview. Once they’ve been unlocked, they’ll be saved in your talent network database for future reference. If you already use a site like LinkedIn Recruiter, you can manually add people’s information to your pipeline or talent network by clicking ‘Add Candidates’.
How do I tell if my job is a competitive offer?In today’s fluctuating job market, it’s hard to know if your job’s benefits and salary are better than the McDonald’s down the street. If you want to understand how your position compares to others on the market, there’s a couple of things to try! First of all, you can search for similar jobs in your area. Look at the salary and the benefits being offered, and how much experience they’re looking for. If a similar-sized company is asking for similar requirements, but is offering 20k more than yours, you may need to adjust your posting. Sometimes, offering remote work can make your job more competitive- even with a lower salary. RedBalloon also offers a Salary Review package, where we analyze your job offer and send you a short report and recommendations to make your position stand out.
How can I search and sort my candidates?You can search and sort candidates throughout the ATS systems in multiple different tables. To search through the candidates, you can use the search bar at the top of the table and search relevant information. To sort, go to the table, click on the "Advanced Search" on the left of the screen, and select which categories you want to filter. You can filter by location, employer eligibility, job applied to, relevance, date, exact word matches, past ratings, tags, and pipeline stages.
What is a pipeline? How do I use pipelines when creating a job?Pipelines are basically a pre-defined set of steps to get an applicant from "just applied" to "hired" as smoothly as possible. Our pipelines are designed to make you and your team leave a detailed paper trail so you can see notes, feedback, and ratings throughout the process. When setting up your pipeline, you can design it to fit your team's needs by adding interview steps, task steps, review steps, and screening steps. You can assign steps to different team members to complete. You can also select which skills or strengths you want to be rated in each step. (See example pipeline set-up below.)
How do I use the Profile Search?Use the Profile Search to look through RedBalloon jobseekers and find potential candidates who might be interested. You can search by keywords, job titles, roles, availability and more. Once you've found a candidate you're interested in, you can unlock their profile, which will add them to your talent network under the status of "Sourced". If you decide to contact them, you can send them an email message through the tool by going to their profile and clicking "send message." To update their status in the Talent Network, you can change it to "Sourced and Contacted". You can later move that person into a specific job's pipeline if they're interested in moving forwards.
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